Wasp Control Areas
Hornet Control Areas

Essex Wasp Control specialize in same day, low cost professional hornet nest removal, protecting Woodlands and surrounding areas.

With a wealth of knowledge and experience, including BPCA/RSPH pest control accreditation and a DBS security checked background, you're in safe pest control hands at all times. We are stocked with the latest pest control technologies all hornet nest removal work is fully guaranteed.

A safety survey is carried out on arrival, this is included with the price to terminate your hornet nest and ensures the treatment area remains safe while your nest is dying off. Your safety is our priority.

For complete peace of mind, you will also receive a helpful time forecast as to how long it will take for all hornet activity to completely stop.

Long established and family run, the hallmark of our ongoing success is delivering first class customer service.

For prompt, professional, low-cost Woodlands Hornet Nest Removal call 0800 612 7035 or book online.



Hornet Life Cycle

There is only one native Hornet in the UK, the 'European Hornet', 'Vespa Crabro', however, the non-native 'Asian Hornet', 'Vespa Velutinais' is now on a troubling increase throughout the UK. Asian Hornet sightings must be reported straight away, please 'click here'

The hornet nest starts life in the spring by the queen, the position of the nest varies but most likely will be located in a dry and undisturbed place such as loft spaces or out buildings.

After eggs are laid it takes between 5-8 days before hatching, when the larvae then undergo five stages over the next two weeks. Through this period the queen feeds the larvae protein rich food that consists of insects.

After this period the larvae will spin a silk cap over its cell entrance and over the next two weeks will transform into an adult Hornet worker.

When newly formed adult hornets have hatched they commandeer all duties from the queen apart from egg laying. As hornet numbers increase, workers expand the size of the nest to accommodate the growing colony.

In late summer the queen begins to produce reproductive females and males. These reproductive Hornets will not nest build, forage for food or carry out any other worker duties.

In the autumn male and female hornets leave the nest to mate, once mating has finished the male life cycle comes to an end and dies. The new fertilized queens hibernate over winter, emerging from hibernation in the spring to begin the life cycle again by building her own nest.

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